Loading a Saved Cell Resistance and Capacitance Calibration File


You have the option of reloading previously saved cell resistance and capacitance (Tzero) calibration information. This would be useful in situations where experimental conditions are changed frequently (e.g., daily), but there is no reason to believe the cell itself has changed. Select the desired calibration file from the displayed file selection window.  

  1. Select  Calibrate/Calibration Wizard from the main menu.

  2. Verify or select the desired Heat Flow Signal (Heat Flow T4 or Heat Flow T4P) and the installed Cooling Unit, then click Next. Based on the heat flow selection the appropriate window will be displayed.

  3. Select Load Saved Cell Resistance & Capacitance Calibration File to Instrument. Click Next. The file utility window will be displayed.

  4. Enter or locate the folder used for your files. (By default the Tzero calibration files are located in a subfolder designated "Calibration," which is created in the folder used for Tzero calibration data file storage. For example, TA/Data/DSC/Calibration/ would be a default folder path. See also: User Preferences/Data Page.

  5. Click on the arrow next to the drop-down list, Files of Type, to scroll through and select the file type "Tzero Cal Files" (*.tzr).

  6. Select (highlight) the desired file. The contents of the calibration file will be displayed in the viewing pane on the right side. Tzero calibration files are saved using the naming convention {cell no.}_{cooler}_{date}_{time}.tzr.

  7. Click on the Send button to load the new file.

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