Understanding the Autosampler Functions


There are several functions that the Autosampler can perform outside of the usual experiments. These functions help keep the Autosampler in good operating condition and help guarantee reproducible results.

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Resetting the DSC Autosampler

Occasionally you may find it necessary to reset the Autosampler. The reset function clears all commands, instructs the unit to locate the home positions, and returns the Autosampler to the park position. Also instructs the Autosampler to "forget" the current lid and sample pan locations.

NOTE:  The DSC AutoLid is automatically opened when the Autosampler Control menu is accessed. If you are using an RCS or LNCS, or just prefer not to open the cell, use the reset function found in the instrument control software.

The Autosampler assumes that the cell is empty when you reset it, so you should check that this is true whenever you reset the unit. If there are any pans in the cell after you reset the Autosampler, you must remove them manually with tweezers.

If you attempt to reset the Autosampler when a pan is still in the cell, use the load function to load a pan into the same position, the Autosampler will not know that the first pan is still there an will attempt to load a second pan onto the first. This could cause damage to the pans. Always check that the cell is empty after the reset function is selected.

Click on the following topics for more information:


Resetting the Q2000/Q200/Auto Q20 Autosampler

To reset the Autosampler, follow one of the following steps:

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Resetting the Q1000/Q100 Autosampler

To reset the Autosampler, follow one of the following steps:

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Autosampler Park PositionParking the Autosampler

If you want to move the instrument from one part of the lab to another, you must first put the Autosampler in the Park position, shown in the figure to the right. If you are taking the unit in a vehicle and will be jostling it around, click here Transporting the Autosampler.

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Parking the Q2000/Q200/Auto Q20 Autosampler

To park the Autosampler follow these steps:

  1. Touch the Control button at the bottom of the touch screen. See Introducing the Touch Screen for more information.

  2. Select PARK AUTO from the Control Command list on the Control Menu Touch Screen. Press Apply to initiate the action. The Autosampler arm will place itself in the park position.

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Parking the Q1000/Q100 Autosampler

To park the Autosampler follow these steps:

  1. Press AUTOSAMPLER on the Control Menu Touch Screen. NOTE:  The DSC AutoLid is automatically opened when the Autosampler Control options touch screen is accessed.

  2. Press TEST on the Autosampler Control options touch screen.

  3. Touch the SENSORS key on the Autosampler Test Options touch screen.

  4. Press PARK. The Autosampler will place itself in the park position shown here.

  5. Press EXIT several time to return to the Control options touch screen.

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Putting the Autosampler in Home Position

Autosampler Home PositionYou may wish to place the Autosampler arm in the home position to move the arm out of the way as shown in the figure to the right.

Click on the following topics for more information:


Putting the Q2000/Q200/Auto Q20 Autosampler in Home Position

To put the instrument in home position from the instrument touch screen, touch the CONTROL button then press the Reset Autosampler button, Reset Autosampler, and Apply.

Putting the Q1000/Q100 Autosampler in Home Position

To put the instrument in home position follow these steps:

  1. Press AUTOSAMPLER on the Control Menu Touch Screen. NOTE:  The DSC AutoLid is automatically opened when the Autosampler Control options touch screen is accessed.

  2. Press TEST on the Autosampler Control options touch screen.

  3. Touch the SENSORS key on the Autosampler Test Options touch screen.

  4. Press HOME. The Autosampler will place itself in the home position shown here.

  5. Press EXIT several time to return to the Control options touch screen.

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