Sondre Kvamme

Research group: Algebra
Office: 838 in Sentralbygg II
E-mail: sondre.kvamme(at)
Mail: Department of Mathematical Sciences
7491 Trondheim

About me

I am an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway. Here is my official homepage

From 2019-2021 I was a postdoc at Uppsala university, and from 2017-2019 I was a postdoc at Université Paris-Sud (now part of Université Paris-Saclay) with a grant from FMJH

Research interests: Higher Auslander-Reiten theory, Homological algebra, Homotopical algebra, Monomorphism categories, Representation theory of Artin algebras.

New! Annals of representation theory A diamond open-access journal covering all areas of representations theory!

Publications and Preprints

Collaborators: Jenny August Nan Gao Johanne Haugland Ruben Henrard Martin Herschend Karin M. Jacobsen Gustavo Jasso Julian Külshammer Rene Marczinzik Yann Palu Matthew Pressland Chrysostomos Psaroudakis Adam-Christiaan van Roosmalen Hipolito Treffinger Laertis Vaso Sven Ake-Wegner


  1. Nan Gao, Julian Külshammer, Sondre Kvamme, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis. A functorial approach to monomorphism categories for species II: indecomposables
    arXiv:2303.07753, 41pp, 2023.
  2. Martin Herschend, Sondre Kvamme, and Laertis Vaso. nZ-cluster tilting subcategories for Nakayama algebras.
    arXiv:2208.13257, 33 pp, 2022.


  1. Jenny August, Johanne Haugland, Karin M. Jacobsen, Sondre Kvamme, Yann Palu, and Hipolito Treffinger. A characterisation of higher torsion classes
    Accepted for publication in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
  2. Ruben Henrard, Sondre Kvamme, Adam-Christiaan van Roosmalen, and Sven-Ake Wegner. The left heart and exact hull of an additive regular category
    Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 39 (2023), no. 2, pp. 439-494.
    arXiv Journal
  3. Ruben Henrard, Sondre Kvamme, Adam-Christiaan van Roosmalen. Auslander's formula and correspondence for exact categories
    Advances in Mathematics 401 (2022), Paper No. 108296, 65 pp.
  4. Nan Gao, Julian Külshammer, Sondre Kvamme, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis. A functorial approach to monomorphism categories for species I
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 24 (2022), no. 6, Paper No. 2150069, 55 pp
  5. Sondre Kvamme. Axiomatizing subcategories of abelian categories
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 226 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 106862, 27 pp.
  6. Sondre Kvamme. dZ-cluster tilting subcategories of singularity categories,
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 297, 803-825 (2021)
  7. Sondre Kvamme. A generalization of the Nakayama functor,
    Algebras and Representation Theory 23 (2020), no. 4, 1319-1353
  8. Sondre Kvamme. Gorenstein projective objects in functor categories,
    Nagoya Mathematical Journal 240 (2020), 1-41
  9. Sondre Kvamme, Rene Marczinzik. Co-Gorenstein algebras,
    Applied Categorical Structures 27 (3) (2019): 277-287.
  10. Gustavo Jasso, Sondre Kvamme. An introduction to higher Auslander-Reiten theory,
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 51 (1) (2019): 1-24

Proceedings, extended abstracts, appendices and other writings.

  1. Sondre Kvamme, An introduction to monomorphism categories,
    To appear in the proceedings of the 2022 ICRA in Buenos Aires.
  2. Sondre Kvamme, Indecomposables in the separated monomorphism category,
    in: Representation theory of quivers and finite-dimensional algebras: Abstracts from the Oberwolfach workshop held February 12-18, 2023. Oberwolfach report 20 (2023), 397-486.
  3. Sondre Kvamme, Matthew Pressland. Auslander-Reiten translations for Gorenstein algebras,
    Appendix to Monomial Gorenstein algebras and the stably Calabi-Yau property, by Ana Garcia Elsener,
    Algebr. Represent. Theory 24 (2021), 1083-1099,
  4. Sondre Kvamme. Nakayama algebras associated to unbounded Kupisch series,
    Appendix to Higher Nakayama algebras I: Construction, by Gustavo Jasso and Julian Külshammer,
    Advances in Mathematics 351 (2019): 1139-1200
  5. Sondre Kvamme. Projectively generated d-abelian categories are d-cluster tilting,