Mountain View

Johanne Haugland

I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Algebra group in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). My position is part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway" funded by the Trond Mohn Research Foundation. My research is in the general area of representation theory of algebras, and I am particularly interested in homological and categorical aspects of this theory.

Address:  Department of Mathematical Sciences
NO-7491 Trondheim
Office: 856, Sentralbygg 2
Email: johanne.haugland[at]
Representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
(Higher) homological algebra
Subcategory structures
Geometric models

Papers and preprints

J. Haugland, The Grothendieck group of an n-exangulated category, Appl. Categ. Structures 29 (2021), no. 3, 431-446 (publication, preprint)

J. Haugland, Auslander-Reiten triangles and Grothendieck groups of triangulated categories, Algebr. Represent. Theory 25 (2022), 1379-1387 (publication, preprint)

J. Haugland, K. M. Jacobsen and S. Schroll, The role of gentle algebras in higher homological algebra, Forum Math. 34 (2022), no. 5, 1255-1275 (publication, preprint)

R. Bennett-Tennenhaus, J. Haugland, M. H. Sandøy and A. Shah, The category of extensions and a characterisation of n-exangulated functors, Math. Z. 305 (2023), no. 3, 44 (publication, preprint)

J. Haugland and M.H. Sandøy, Higher Koszul duality and connections with n-hereditary algebras (preprint)

J. August, J. Haugland, K. M. Jacobsen, S. Kvamme, Y. Palu and H. Treffinger, A characterization of higher torsion classes, accepted for publication in Forum Math. Sigma (preprint)

R. Bennett-Tennenhaus, J. Haugland, M. H. Sandøy and A. Shah, The category of extensions and idempotent completion (preprint)

Papers in preparation

J. August, J. Haugland, K. M. Jacobsen, S. Kvamme, Y. Palu and H. Treffinger, Functorially finite higher torsion classes and τ_d-tilting theory

R. Bennett-Tennenhaus, J. Haugland, M. H. Sandøy and A. Shah, Structure-preserving functors in higher homological algebra
August 2024-June 2026: I have received a Young CAS Grant for a two-year project starting in August 2024.

Fall 2024: Together with Aslak B. Buan, Steffen Oppermann and Sondre Kvamme, I organize the conference Representation theory - combinatorial aspects and applications to TDA. See the conference webpage for more information.

Annual: Together with Karin M. Jacobsen and Sibylle Schroll, I organize the annual one-day conference Flash Talks in Representation Theory, which takes place in January every year. See the conference webpage for registration and more information.

Fall 2022: In October and November, I went for a two month research stay to Aarhus University, visiting the Aarhus Homological Algebra Group.

November 2020: Together with Aslak B. Buan, Sigrid Grepstad, Sibylle Schroll and Therese Strand, I organized the meeting "Women in Pure Mathematics in Trondheim".

Fall 2020: I participated in the Junior Trimester Program New Trends in Representation Theory at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (HIM) in Bonn.

I have a pedagogical education and experience as a teacher in lower secondary school. I have also taught the following courses at NTNU:

Fall 2018: TMA4100 Matematikk 1 (interactive lectures)
Spring 2019: TMA4150 Algebra
Spring 2021: TMA4150 Algebra (together with Øyvind Solberg)
I have supervised teacher students in pedagogical training.

I was a mentor in a mentoring program for master students in Mathematical Sciences from August 2019 to June 2020, and I am also a mentor for new PhD students in mathematics at NTNU.

In mathematical sciences, I have supervised the following students:

Johan Vik Mathisen, fall 2020: Bachelor's thesis, An introduction to triangulated categories via the stable category of a Frobenius category

Håkon Kjelland-Mørdre, fall 2022: Bachelor's thesis, Finite Groups and Their Classification

Conference talks

September 2024 (upcoming): invited talk, Women in Representation Theory: quivers, mutation, and beyond, Bielefeld, DE.

September 2023: τ-tilting theory in higher homological algebra, τ-Research School: Research school on τ-tilting theory and stability conditions, Cologne, DE.

July 2023: Functorially finite higher torsion classes and τ_d-tilting theory, Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Aalborg, DK.

September 2022: Torsion classes in a higher-dimensional setup, Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras (ARTA), Toruń, PL.

August 2022: A characterisation of higher torsion classes, Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki, FI.

July 2022: The role of gentle algebras in higher homological algebra, Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Homological Algebra, Århus, DK.

May 2022: The role of gentle algebras in higher homological algebra, Bridges between representation theory and algebraic geometry: Singularities, friezes and cluster categories, Leeds, UK (hybrid).

May 2022: T-Koszul algebras in a higher-dimensional setup, Øyvind 60, Trondheim, NO.

March 2021: Functors and subcategories of n-exangulated categories, Additive categories between algebra and functional analysis, online.

September 2020: Subcategories of n-exangulated categories, Categorifications in Representation Theory, Leicester, UK (online).

March 2020: Auslander-Reiten triangles and Grothendieck groups of triangulated categories, Topics in Category Theory: A Spring School, Edinburgh, UK.

September 2018: Classification of subcategories, Nasjonalt matematikermøte (national meeting of mathematicians), 10 minutes talk, Bergen, NO.

August 2018: Subcategories of the derived category of a quantum polynomial ring, XVIII International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA), Prague, CZ.

Seminar talks

May 2024: Torsion classes in higher homological algebra, Seminar on Homological Algebra and Related Topics, Buenos Aires, AR (online).

February 2023: Structure-preserving functors in higher homological algebra, PITA seminar, Trondheim, NO.

November 2022: Extension closure by indecomposables, Århus algebra seminar, Århus, DK.

November 2022: An adventure in higher dimensions, JAZ seminar, Århus, DK.

September 2021: Higher Koszul duality and connections with n-hereditary algebras, FD Seminar (online).

April 2021: Higher Koszul duality and connections with n-hereditary algebras, Cologne Algebra Seminar, Cologne, DE (online).

April 2021: Higher Koszul duality and connections with n-hereditary algebras, Representation Theory and Related Topics Seminar at Northeastern University, Boston, US (online).

March 2021: Functors and subcategories of n-exangulated categories, NTNU algebra seminar, Trondheim, NO (online).

November 2020: Examples in higher homological algebra, Women in Pure Mathematics in Trondheim, 10 minutes talk, Trondheim, NO (online).

March 2020: Grothendieck groups, Deltas matteklubb (seminar by local student association), Trondheim, NO.

January 2020: Extriangulated categories – functors and subcategories, PITA seminar (Problems I Think About), Trondheim, NO.

October 2019: Coherent functors, Algebra learning seminar, Trondheim, NO.

February 2019: Introduction to algebraic geometry, Algebra learning seminar, Trondheim, NO.

October 2018: Introduction to dg-categories, Algebra learning seminar, Trondheim, NO.

October 2018: United representation rings of finite groups, StudForsk-konferansen (student research conference), 10 minutes talk, Trondheim, NO.

October 2017: The Hopkins-Neeman theorem, BIKES (student seminar in commutative algebra), Salt Lake City, US.

Short communications

May 2021: Higher Koszul duality and connections with n-hereditary algebras, Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras (ARTA), accepted contribution, 10 minutes video, online.

November 2020: Subcategories of n-exangulated categories, Workshop and International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA), online.