Fremtidige møter og litt Europa-saker

From: Sigurd Skogestad (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 17:25:50 MET DST

Hei PROST'ere

Dere mottar snart en ganske lang email fra meg med referat fra ESCAPE-møtet.

Men siden det ikke skal drukne helt sender jeg ut i forkant denne mailen med litt småplukk.

1. Ledig professorat i prosessregulering i Åbo (søknadsfrist 24. juni 2002)
skal besesettes fra neste sommer (se deres hjemmeside for mer info)

2. Kommende konferanser
(se )

26-29 May 2002 ESCAPE'12, The Hague, The Netherlands (Abstracts: 15 July 2001)
21-26 July 2002 IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain (Draft 6-page paper: 15 Sep. 2001)
30 Sep. - 12 Oct. 2002 Distillation'2002, Baden-Baden, Germany (Abstract: 15. Nov. 2001)
3-8 Nov. 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis Convention center, Indiania, USA

09-11 Jan. 11th Nordic Process Control Workshop , Trondheim, Norway
12-15 Jan.  FOCAPO (Foundations of computer-aided operations), Coral Springs, Florida (abstracts: 01 March 2002)
01-04 June  ESCAPE-13 , Lappeenranta, Finland (abstracts: 01 July 2002)
18-20 June  Adchem 2003, Hong Kong (full paper: 01 Nov. 2002)
23-27 June  PSE 2003, Kunming, China (Abstracts: 15 July 2002)
Sep. 2003 ECCE'4, Granada, Spain
16-21 Nov.  AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco Hilton

3. Litt Europa-saker

Det er tid for å sende in ”Expression of interest” for EU’s 6. rammeprogram. Det er relativt uforpliktende og uformelle søknader.
Mer fullstendige og forpliktende søkander må sendes inn dersom man blir plukket ut til neste runde.
Morten Hovd er koordinator innen prosesregulering og vet mer.
Personlig er jeg med på et forslag sammen med Ton Backx om et INCOOP II. Statoil er også med.
Videre er vi med på noe om destillasjon sammen med TU Berlin (Wozny).

Ellers har Rafique Gaini (Danmark) sendt ut følgende oversikt

Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 08:54:34 -0100
Subject: EOIs for 6FP
Priority: normal
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c)

Dear All,
First of all, thank you for attending the workshop and the business
meeting. We were able to covere a number of important issues.
Reports and minutes from the workshop and business meeting will
be sent later.
Duirng the business meeting, it was agreed that I will try to gather
information on EOIs that may be of interest to us all. With the help of
David Bogle and others I have managed to collect the following
information. If you are interested in joining any of these initiatives,
feel free to contact the person coordinating the EOIs.

Integrated Project EoIs:
        CAPE-21 (Tony Perris) - CAPRI
        SUSTAIN - Sustainability across the Supply Chain (Stratos Pistikopoulos) - name?
        Product Design & Formulation Technology (R. Gani) - name?       
        Advanced Real-Time Information Management for Industrial (E. N. Pistikopoulos) - ARTEMIS
        Production of Advanced Materials (M. Hounslow ?) - name?

Network of Excellence
        A Network of Excellence in Computer Aided Process Engineering (David Bogle) - CAPEability

Others relevant that are known about:
        Sustainable technologies, metrics and concepts for the Process Industries (A. Kokossis)?
        Building IT strengths for the Process Industries (A. Kokossis)?
        Knowledge Management (A. Kraslawski ??) - name ?

Good luck!
Rafiqul Gani

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor and Head of Department      Phone:  +47-7359-4154
Department of Chemical Engineering                      Home:   +47-7393-6855
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)        Fax:    +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim                                           email:

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