Fwd: CAPE-21: an important Workshop

Sigurd Skogestad (Sigurd.Skogestad@chembio.ntnu.no)
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:27:47 +0100

Hei PROST'ere,

Jeg velegger informasjon fra TonyPerkins om en workshop om "nye områder for
PSE" som kanskje kan
være av interesse. Den er umiddelbart før det tidligere omtalte møtet i
CAPE fForum.

-Hilsen Sigurd

>Delivered-To: skoge@chembio.ntnu.no
>Reply-To: <Tony.Perris@btinternet.com>
>From: "Tony Perris" <Tony.Perris@btinternet.com>
>Subject: CAPE-21: an important Workshop
>Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 11:46:00 -0000
>Dear All,
>I append the provisional announcement for a workshop which will be held in
>Delft on 15th (pm) and 16th (am) February - immediately before this year's
>CAPE Forum (16th pm & 17th).
>Background on CAPE-21 (a EUREKA Feasibility Study) itself can be found on
>the website (http://CAPE-21.ucl.org.uk).
>If it is successful (and it looks good so far), it will lead on to a
>substantial cluster of projects under the EUREKA umbrella, aimed at "the
>generation after next" of CAPE systems. (EUREKA has no philosophical or
>practical problems in funding major clusters that are BIG and long-term!)
>Note that the website is a bit out of date and will be updated later this
>week. It does, however, contain sufficient material to give you a good idea
>of what we're up to.
>Please give some serious thought to attending this workshop: its potential
>impact on the future directions of funding for CAPE R&D in Europe are very
>significant indeed.
>Best regards - please contact me if you need any further information or
>have suggestions to make.

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