Invitasjon til CAPE forum moete 16-17 Feb 2001
3 Jan 2001 13:42:20 +0100


Jeg kopierer en invitasjon til årest CAPE forum møte i Delft ved
Amsterdam. Dette er et uformelt workshop-lignende møte som kan være nyttig
for å komme i kontakt med andre innen prosess-systemteknikk (PSE) miljøet.
Jeg anbafeler deltagelse og spesielt at man deltar med bidrag (frist 21. jan).

-Hilsen Sigurd


>From Wed Jan 3 11:09:12 2001
From: "Peter J.T. Verheijen" <>
Subject: Cape Forum, Feb 16 and 17
To: Cape Forum Distribution List <>

Hereby, we invite you to attend the 2001 Cape Forum, which
will be held on Friday and Saturday, February 16 and 17, 2001, in Delft,
The Netherlands.

The following two topics are chosen as focal points:

1. Control and Design: challenges and possible achievements.
2. Process Intensification: CAPE opportunities.
and open session for "fresh" ideas.
3. Miscellaneous

and two additional panel discussions attached to each of
the technical sessions with a theme:

1. What exactly is the problem of design and how is it formulated?
2. What is the economic benefit of modelling and simulation?

In order to keep within the spirit of the original Forum meetings we
encourage the presentation of novel ideas, and that of research which
is open for constructive dialogue.

We are herewith asking you to participate actively in this forum.
Could you kindly let us know whether

a) you intend to participate.

b) you intend to make a presentation for one of the three technical
sessions. If so, please send us before January 21 the title. (There
are sessions of 30 minutes including discussions foreseen, so if you
deviate let us know as well).

c) you would like to participate actively in one of the two discussion questions
with a brief statement or as (co)moderator.

We are looking forward to an interesting meeting.
Best Regards,
Peter J.T. Verheijen

PS You receive this e-mail because you appear on the earlier e-mail lists
of former Cape Forums. If you want to be removed from this list, please
indicate so. If you like to encourage others to attend, don't hesitate to forward
this e-mail
to them.

PSS Details about location see the web site
where eventually the program will be anounced.

Contact about Cape Forum 2001
E-mail: Phone/FAX: 31 15 2784326/4452

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