CAPE.NET Seminar i London 22-23 juni
12 May 2000 17:05:11 +0200

                          Computer Aided Process Engineering,
                                       Today and Tomorrow
                                London, June 22nd & 23rd, 2000

* Dette er "closing event" for CAPE.OPEN prosjektet som vi har deltatt i

* Åpent for alle interesserte. Kostnad: 50 UK Pund
  (Vi har noe midlere for reise for NTNU-deltagere; ta kontakt med S. Skogestad)


* A snapshot of the current Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) tools and techniques and a vision of future capabilities and outstanding research issues.

* Who should attend?

Senior managers, engineers and CAPE specialists will all gain from attendance and will have the opportunity to participate in and influence the direction of future European networking and research initiatives in CAPE.

* Seminar

Day 1 will focus on providing an overview of present-day CAPE tools & techniques and a view of what will be required in the future: industry's critical needs and priorities and the potential impact on the business.

Day 2 will review the state of the CAPE art and will provide an overview of current research activities and of unresolved issues and future R&D priorities. Speakers are drawn from a range of prominent industrial and research organisations.

* Exhibition

An exhibition of CAPE and CAPE-related tools (both commercial and research-based) will be held in parallel with the conference and the timetable will contain ample time for participants to discover, both by demonstration and by face-to-face discussion, what can be done today and what will soon be possible.

* Further Information & Registration:

Download the Announcement Form (see below) and return the tear-off strip to:

            Dr David Bogle
            Dept. of Chemical Engineering
            University College London
            Torrington Place
            London WC1E 7JE

Announcement form:


* Speakers in the Seminar will include:

Frederic Gouarderes EU Commission
Jan Geerts DSM,Netherlands
Hans Pingen Shell ICM, Netherlands
Esko Tiironen Kemira, Finland
Andrzej Kraslawski LTKK, Finland
Esben Sorensen HaldorÐ Topsoe, Denmark
Knut Wiig Mathissen Norsk Hydro, Norway
Sverre Storen Statoil,Norway
David Cameron Fantoft Process Technologies, Norway
Gerhard Schembecker PDC,Netherlands
Jean-Marc LeLann ENSIGCT, France
Georges Heyen LASSC,Belgium
David Bogle UCL,UK
Rene Banares-Alcantara URV, Spain
Wolfgang Marquardt RWTH,Germany
Ilkka Turunen LTKK, Finland

* Exhibitors

A wide range of both commercial and research-based
products will be exhibited,from such
organisations as:
Imperial College
Daisy Systems
Curvaceous Software
Cambridge Control

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