Ph.D. course Process Integration, Denmark 14Aug - 01 Sep

Sigurd Skogestad (
Tue, 09 May 2000 10:15:51 +0200

Dear all,
Enclosed follows an announcement of a ph.d. course on
Modelling, Design and Control for Process Integration
which is given at DTU during the last three weeks of August this year.
Students financed by the Nordic processenergi program will have their
expenses covered.
Best regards
Sten Bay Jørgensen

Sten Bay Joergensen, Professor Phone: (45) 4525 2800
Institut for Kemiteknik FAX: (45) 4588 2258
Bygning 229, DTU E-mail:
DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Ph.D. Course
Modelling, Design and Control for Process Integration

August 14-September 1 2000
Three week international summer school
The Technical University of Denmark

Main Topics:
The background for giving this course is to assist in satisfying the
increasing demand for development of environmentally benign yet operable
process systems.
The course will cover modelling of process systems, energy integration of
process systems and mass & energy integration of process systems. After an
introduction to dynamic consequences of process integration, essential
aspects of integration of process design and control will be covered
especially for mass and energy integrated processes.
In the exercises, the computer based techniques are introduced and
subsequently exercised upon sample problems.

Course format:
The course lectures will be given mainly in the morning of each day and the
afternoon will include exercises during the first two weeks. The third week
will involve an exam solution of a problem.

Course evaluation:
Will be based upon submitted exam problem report.

Course Location:
CAPEC at The Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU, DK 2800 Lyngby

Prospective participants:
The course is planned such that students with both a mechanical engineering
and a chemical engineering background may participate, and solve problems
related to their respective areas of interest. In the lectures generic
examples will be used, whereas the exercises will include examples relevant
for both types of background.

Dr. Russel F. Dunn, Solutia Inc., guest Professor at Department of
Manufacturing Engineering, DTU
Dr. Rafiqul Gani and professor Sten Bay Jørgensen Department of Chemical
Engineering, DTU.

Organising committee:
The course is organised as a co-operation between
The Departments of Manufacturing Engineering, Energy Engineering and CAPEC
at the Department of Chemical Engineering.

Course Registration:
E-mail to Anette Havstreym, the Deparrtment of Chemical Engineering:

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor Fax: +47-7359-4080
Dept. of Chemical Engineering Phone: +47-7359-4154
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Techn.(NTNU) Home: +47-7393-6855
N-7491 Trondheim email:

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