Gjesteforelesning Industrial MPC Applications

Geir Stian Landsverk (geir.stian.landsverk@itk.ntnu.no)
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 17:30:27 +0100


minner om gjesteforelesningen

onsdag 12 april kl. 14.15 - 15.00

i auditorium EL-2

Foredraget er ved Joe Qin fra Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin (http://control.che.utexas.edu/qinlab) og
omhandler "Industrial MPC Applications -- An Update" - se sammendrag under.

Vårens program finner du på http://www.itk.ntnu.no/groups/PROST/seminars.html.

-Geir Stian

>Title: Industrial MPC Applications -- An Update
>This talk provides an updated overview of commercially available Model
>Predictive Control (MPC) technology, based primarily on data provided
>by MPC vendors. A brief history of industrial MPC technology is
>presented first, followed by results of our vendor survey of MPC
>control and identification technology. A general MPC control
>algorithm is presented, and approaches taken by each vendor for the
>different aspects of the calculation are described. Identification
>technology is then reviewed to determine similarities and differences
>between the various approaches. MPC applications performed by each
>vendor are summarized by application area. The final section presents
>a vision of the next generation of MPC technology.

Geir Stian Landsverk
Dr.ing. student - Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norvegian University of Science and Technology
Phone:++(47) 7359 4386 (office), ++(47) 7388 9310 (private)
E-mail: Geir.S.Landsverk@itk.ntnu.no

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