CAST session at AIChE Annual Meeting, LA, 12-17 Nov.2000
24 Mar 2000 08:14:23 +0100


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      World Wide Web at

AIChE Annual Meeting
November 12-17, 2000, Los Angeles, CA

The AIChE web site is now open for submission of abstracts to the Annual
Meeting. Area 10b is sponsoring or cosponsoring the sessions with
following titles:

Topics in Systems and Process Control (Poster)
Integration of Design and Control (with 10a)
Advances in Process Control
Modeling and Identification
Plant-wide Control
Novel Methods in Nonlinear Process Control
Process and Control System Monitoring
Theory and Practice of Model Predictive Control
Real Time Optimization (with 10c)
Distributed Parameter Systems (with 10d)
Control of Separation Processes (with 2c)
Instrumentation and Control of Agglomeration Processes (with 3a)
Control of Microelectronic Manufacturing Processes (with 8e)
Control of Particulate Processes (with 3d)
Teaching Process Control and Dynamics Through Practical Examples (with 4)

A one-page abstract and a completed proposal-to-present (PTP) form must be
submitted electronically via the AIChE web page by 1 May 2000. Please go
to the web site for further information and
submission instructions.

The CAST 10b programming committee considers it unacceptable to submit the
same abstract to more than one session; therefore, such multiple
submissions may be disqualified.

Ahmet Palazoglu
Area 10b Programming Coordinator for 2000

Ahmet Palazoglu
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

(530) 752-8774 Voice
(530) 752-1031 Fax

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