PROST-seminar fredag 31 mars

Geir Stian Landsverk (
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:43:27 +0100


Alle PROST'ere ønskes velkommen til seminar

        fradag 31 mars kl. 12.30-14.00

i lunsjrom kjemiblokk K4, 2. etasje.

Foredraget er ved Lechoslaw "Leszek" Krolikowski fra Politechnika
Wroclawska i Polen.
Han er kjent for sitt paper om Pertyuk-destillasjon sammem med Fidkowski.
Leszek har oppholdt seg ett år ved UMass sammen med Doherty, men har nå vært
tilbake i Polen noen år.
Se sammendrag under for mere informasjon, og for vårprogrammet.

Mat serveres kl. 12.30
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.00 (45 min + 15 min spørsmål)

Geir Stian

Computation of distillation boundaries


The work concerns distillation boundaries. This is done comprehensively
using a bifurcation study for single feed column. The approach is to track
all of the pinch points of rectifying and stripping profiles, mapping the
branches of solutions and checking for "jump" of composition profiles at the
bifurcation points. The main result is a systematic and exact method to
chose appropriate pairs of boundaries for a given type of column which
define regions for product distributions. Distillation regions overlap.
Common part of two regions is parametrically sensitive and determine
opportunities to cross (at finite reflux) the distillation boundaries
defined for total reflux or reboil ratio.

Geir Stian Landsverk student - Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norvegian University of Science and Technology
Phone:++(47) 7359 4386 (office), ++(47) 7388 9310 (private)

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