PROST-seminar mandag 28 februar (Knut W. Mathisen)

Geir Stian Landsverk (
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 08:57:06 +0100


Alle PROST'ere ønskes velkommen til seminar

        mandag 28 februar kl. 12.30-14.00

i kjemiteknikks lunsjrom (kjemiblokk K5, 2. etasje).

Foredraget er ved Knut Wiig Mathisen, Norsk Hydro F-senter Porsgrunn, og
har tittelen "Energy Efficiency in Chemical Process Chains".
Knut er gammel PROST'er og tok sin ved institutt for
kjemiteknikk i 1994. Knut vil først snakke litt generelt om modellerings-
og reguleringsgruppa ved Norsk Hydro F-senter som teller 16 personer. Han
vil så ta for seg sitt eget hovedområde som er energieffektivitet i prosesser.
Se sammendrag under for mere informasjon, og for vårprogrammet.

Mat serveres kl. 12.30
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.00 (45 min + 15 min spørsmål)

Geir Stian

"Energy Efficiency in Chemical Process Chains"

Part 1: Tasks and Projects at Department for Modeling and Control Applications
at the Research Centre in Porsgrunn.

Department for Modeling and Control Applications has existed for about 10
developing from the earlier process systems engineering activities in the
chemical engineering section at the research centre. Today, there are 16
in the department, of which 9 have a doctors degree.
Some interesting projects will be presented to give an overview of the research
and development in the department.
Projects range from dynamic simulation and control to analysis of 3-D flow
patterns, and the customers include light metals, oil & energy, petrochemicals
and agri divisions. This part will be concluded with some thoughts about the
future process systems engineering R&D in Norsk Hydro.

Part 2: Energy Efficiency in Chemical Process Chains.

Norsk Hydro has recently implemented a corporate reporting and analysis system
for energy and environmental information.
The Hydro Energy, Resource and Environmental (HERE) information system use an
Oracle database on a Windows NT server and Web-browser clients (Mathisen, K.W.
et al, 1999; Glemmestad, B. et al, 1999).
Based on real data from all Norsk Hydro production sites, the energy efficiency
in several chemical process chains will be discussed.
The importance of merging energy reporting and energy balance calculcations
(e.g. by using process simulators) will be emphasized.

Mathisen, K.W., Haug-Warberg, T., Glemmestad B. and Gravklev J.A. (1999).
Consistent Computation of Energy Loss for Industrial Processes. Presented at
PRES'99, 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for
Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, May 31 - June 2 1999, Budapest, Hungary.
Glemmestad, B., Mathisen, K.W., Grønn, K.L., Haug-Warberg, T. and
J.A., (1999). A Large Scale Energy Reporting system for the Process
Presented at ESCAPE-9, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
May 31-June 2., Budapest, Hungary.

Geir Stian Landsverk student - Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norvegian University of Science and Technology
Office: D-341
Phone:++(47) 7359 4386 (office), ++(47) 7388 8988 (private)

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