PROST seminar 16. februar (Juha Tanskanen)

Geir Stian Landsverk (
Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:26:49 +0100

Hallo alle PROST'ere

Jeg ønsker velkommen til årtusenets første PROST-seminar

     onsdag 16. februar kl. 12.30-14.00

i kjemiteknikks lunsjrom (kjemiblokk K5, 2. etasje).
Juha Tanskanen, postdoc ved inst. for kjemisk prosessteknologi, skal holde
et foredrag med tittelen
"Homotopy continuation applied to solving reaction distillation MESH
Se sammendrag under for mere informasjon, og for vårprogrammet.

Mat serveres kl. 12.30
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.00 (45 min + 15 min spørsmål)

Geir Stian


Homotopy continuation applied to solving reactive distillation MESH equations

A homotopy continuation method was developed for solving state models
of homogeneous conventional and reactive distillation with typical
column specifications. The equilibrium chemical reactions are assumed
to take place in the liquid phase, but the method is also able to
accommodate vapor phase equilibrium reactions or to include reaction
kinetics through holdup or residence time. The modified MESH equations
for reactive distillation were formulated as a problem-dependent
homotopy in such a way that the homotopy path to a solution was
continuous in the domain of interest, and that the path seldom has
turning points. This allows the development of a reasonable fast and
robust solving method. 'Robust' here means that the solution is found
without any need for manual iteration and any initial guess given by
the user.

The method has been tested extensively for highly nonideal ordinary
distillation. All the test cases for reactive distillation show also
global convergence characteristics. Performed studies on the area
multiple steady states has further confirmed that the method developed
is reliable to produce a solution of the modified MESH-equations. The
robustness of the method makes it possible to use the MESH equations
at the early design phase: The search for feasible state profiles for
ordinary and reactive distillation - within the accuracy of the MESH
equations - can be carried out without interfering with the model
solving procedure.

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