Workshop Oslo (23Nov) og Danmark (13-15 Jan)

Sigurd Skogestad (
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 15:54:42 +0100

Hallo PROST'ere

Jeg vil gjøre oppmerksom på noen ting som skjer

26 Oct 99 PROST kontaktmøte med bedriftsmedlemmer (kl. 11 med UKA-besøk på

27 Oct 99 David di Ruscio, Høgskolen i Telemark. Ikke-iterativ formulering
av PLS (kl. 13, foredrag i Trondheim)

23 Nov 99 Workshop: Process model validation and quality control , Norsk
Hydro Vækerø, Oslo
              (åpen workshop organisert av David Cameron, se mer
informasjon under)

13-15 Jan 2000 Nordic Process Control Workshop 9, Lyngby, Denmark. (15 Nov
99: Deadline for abstracts and papers).
              NB. Jens Balchen mottar "Nordic Process Control Award" og
holder foredrag
              Mer informasjon, se

Med unntak av møtet 26.okt. er møtene åpne for alle interesserte.

-Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad

PS. Oppdatert informasjon se som vanlig:

>X-Lotus-FromDomain: HYDRO
>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 11:56:47 +0100
>Subject: Open workshop on process model validation and quality control:
> Oslo, 23rd November 1999
>Dear Colleagues,
>An open workshop on the validation of process models for use in chemical
>engineering will be held at Norsk Hydro in Oslo on 23rd November this
year. It
>is an EU-financed seminar, organised as part of the CAPE.NET thematic network
>for computer-aided process engineering. You are receiving this junk mail
>you were in my address book. If you are not interested in the meeting,
could you
>please pass the message on to colleagues who might be.
>The programme is appended as a pdf file. A nominal charge of NOK 200 (ca. 25
>Euro) will be made for attendance from non CAPE-NET members. This covers the
>cost of lunch and will be collected at registration.
>Thanks for your attention, and I look forward to meeting some of you in
Oslo in
>David Cameron, Norsk Hydro ASA
>(See attached file: Nov1999.pdf)

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