Prost-seminar 29. sept. med David Clough
27 Sep 1999 11:30:55 +0200

Hallo alle PROST'ere

Jeg ønsker velkommen til PROST-seminar
    onsdag 29. sept. kl. 12.30-14.00
i kjemiteknikks lunsjrom (kjemiblokk K4, 2. etasje).
Som dere vet er David Clough fra Colorado gjesteprofessor hos oss. Han har
en meget bred erfaring og vil fortelle om et interessant prosjekt innen
fordelingsnettverk for vann. Mer informasjon under.
Fremmøte anbefales!

Pizza serveres kl. 12.30
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.00
Alle PROST'ere er velkommen!

-Hilsen Sigurd

R&D Activities in the Control and Management of Irrigation Water Distribution Systems

David E. Clough
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, USA

An overview of the challenges encountered in the control and management of
irrigation water in large-scale, open-top, canal-distribution systems will
be presented. The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) in southern
California will be used as an example. The IID captures 1/3 of the flow of
the Colorado River (2,6 million acre-feet or 3,2 billion (10^9) cubic
meters per year) and distributes the water to about 5000 delivery points in
a major agricultural region in California (500000 acres or 200000 hectares).

Four specific research projects will then be described in summary form:
- design of a gate controller for smaller, "lateral" canals
- design of an adjacent gate controller for main canals to handle interactions
- model-predictive control of gates on "lateral" canals
- optimization of overall canal system operation

Finally, the state of the art of canal system control will be described and
the issues surrounding wide-scale implementation will be discussed.

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