AIChE Annual meeting, 1-5 Nov. 99
28 Jan 1999 09:35:06 +0100


Det pleier ofte vaere en del PROSTere som sender bidrag til AIChE
Annual Meeting. Merk at deadline for aa sende inn abstracts
til "vaare" CAST-sesjoner er mye senere i aar - nemlig 1. mai 1999.
Motet er forovrig i Dallas, Texas (som kanskje ikke er alt for spennende
med mindre man har en drom om aa reise dit etter aa ha fulgt saapeopeaen).

Jeg viser forovrig til invitasjon om en sesjon om MPC gitt under.
For andre sesjoner se:

(mer informasjon kommer etterhvert)

-Hilsen Sigurd


>>From Wed Jan 27 21:52:23 1999


        Advances in Model Predictive Control

        AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting
        October 31 - November 5
        Dallas, TX
Papers are solicited in the general area of Model Predictive Control.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, modeling, closed-loop
properties (stability and robustness analysis), on-line computational
issues for large-scale systems, and alternative formulations. Both
linear and nonliner MPC will be considered.

  Chair Co-Chair

  Alex Zheng Michael Nikolaou
  Dept. of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering, S235
  University of Massachusetts University of Houston
  Amherst, MA 01003-3110 Houston, TX 77204-4792

  PHONE: (413) 545-2916 PHONE: (713) 743-4309
  FAX: (413) 545-1647 FAX: (713) 743-4323


A one-page abstract and a completed proposal-to-present (PTP) form must be
submitted electronically via the AIChE web page by 1 May 1999 (this is a
hard deadline). Further submission details can be found on the
world-wide-web at, and at

The CAST 10b programming committee considers it unacceptable to submit the
same abstract to more than one session; therefore, such multiple
submissions may be disqualified. When sessions are oversubscribed, the
committee will move papers to more appropriate sessions and actively lobby
for additional sessions from the Meeting Program Chair.

The key dates are the following:

  May 1, 1999: Deadline for PTP and one-page abstract submission.
  June 1, 1999: Authors notified of final acceptance.

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