Guest lecture 4 Mar 98: C.C. Yu
25 Feb 1998 19:25:38 -0000

PROST: Process systems engineering at NTNU/SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway
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Det inviteres til PROST-seminar:

04 Mar 1998, Kjemiblokk 5, lunsjrom kjemiteknikk (2etg), 1330-1430
Professor Cheng-Ching Yu, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech.
"Reactor/Separator Processes with Recycle: Design for Composition Control"
Pizza serveres kl. 1300


The balanced control scheme has the advantage of alleviating
the snowball effect for plant with recycles.
However, by fixing intensive variables, the control
scheme leads to rather complex control configurations,
especially for composition control. Based on disturbance
sensitivity analyses, we are able to simplify the
control structure by eliminating some of the compositions
loops and yet maintaining the balance a partial composition
control approach. More importantly, this is achieved
with minimal process information, i.e., material balances
or, simply, characteristics of the balanced scheme.
Results show that we only need one composition loop to
keep all three compositions at set points. Nonlinear
simulations show that effective composition control is
obtained with rather simple control structure.


Cheng-Ching Yu ("CC") oppholder seg ved NTNU i perioden 27 Feb.-30 April
1998. Han er professor ved National Taiwan Institute of Technology, men
har friår i 1997/98. Han har inntil nylig vært chairman ved instituttet.

Han tok Ph.D. grad med Bill Luyben i 1987 og har gjort mange
interessante arbeider. Blant annet har han arbeidet med RGA, inkl.
utvidelse til ikke-kvadatiske systemer, feildetektering, automatic tuning
og destillasjon. Det er planlagt at han vil bli involvert i vaare
aktiviteter innen plantwide control naar han kommer hit.

Han vil bo på "hybel" i Hans Osnes' vei 12 (i retning Lerkendal stadion).
Han får kontor i kjemiblokk 4, rom 125,
Oppholdsutgiftene vil dekkes av PROST.


PS. Husk gjesteforelesning med Kwakernaak/Postlethwaite torsdag 26 Feb.
kl. 1415 og disputas Kjetil Havre 27 Feb.

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