
Odd A. Asbjørnsen (
Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:53:38 +0200

Hei Sigurd:

Takk for e-mail. Jeg reiser paa ferie naa men tar bilde idag og sender til
deg. Her er mitt forslag til tekst, i likhet med den standarden som dere
har valgt:

Systems Engineering group, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NTNU
Phone: +47-735-93720
Fax: +47-735-98390

Main research areas:
o Systems Engineering methodology for system life cycle design, modeling and
o Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as related to Systems Engineering,
conservation, recycling, cleaner production
o Stochastic modeling and simulation for life cycle scenario assessment of
reliability, availability, productivity, profitability, etc.
o Modeling, simulation and optimization of thermal processes

Under bilde: Professor Odd Andreas Asbjornsen