Proposal to present forms for AIChE annual meeting

Morten Hovd ((no email))
Tue, 31 Jan 1995 13:10:05 +0100 (MET)

Anyone who wish to present something at AIChE meetings have to send in a
proposal-to-present form together with the extended abstract. LaTeX files are
now available for the proposal-to-present forms, and can be obtained by ftp
on directory /pub/tex/aiche. Log in as "anonymous", and give your e-mail
address as password.

People at Kjemiteknikk can also copy the needed files from my directory
/home/kjtek/hovd/aicheptp. Steinar has helped me convert these files to
the new LaTeX version.

Note that the deadline for submission to most area 10 (Computers and systems
technology) sessions for the AIChE Annual Meeting is March 1.
