Til PROST tilknyttede stipendiater

Sverre Storen ((no email))
Wed, 18 Jan 95 14:51:42 +0100

Hei !


PROST skal skrive en aarsrapport som skal sendes til vaare samarbeidspartnere.

I denne rapporten skal den enkelte Dr.Ing student levere informasjon om sin
forskning og annen aktivitet.

DETTE BIDRAGET MAA VAERE FERDIG TIRSDAG 23/1, send det til meg med mail,
og legg en papirkopi i min posthylle. Ta vare paa filen i tilfelle det
blir noe kluss hos meg.

Beklager den sene meldingen fra meg.........

Vi har bestemt et format for de individuelle bidragene, se nedenfor,
jeg har lagt ved mitt bidrag som et eksempel.

Vennlig Hilsen Sverre,
Stipendiatenes representant i PROST styret


Krav til formattering av individuelle bidrag til PROST AArsrapport:

Rapporten skal v{re p} ca 1 A4 side, og skal inneholde f|lgende punkter:
1) Navn
2) Status
Hvor lenge har du vaert dr.ing student, annen adm info, veileder,
antatt avslutning av dr.grad.
MAX 3 linjer.
3) Research area
Fagomr}de, fremdrift, industrikontakter, internasjonale kontakter etc.
Resulater siste }r.
For de som er i fagstudiet presenteres fagene her.
MAX 20 linjer, anbefalt 10-15.
4) Activities
Konferansedeltagelse, andre presentasjoner
Andre faglige aktiviteter (veiledning av studenter, deltagelse i
kollokvier, reiser til utlandet, gjennomf|rte prosjekter mm)
Administrative aktiviteter (arrangementer i din regi el.lign.)
MAX 10 punkter/MAX 20 linjer.
5) Publications
Punktvis, som en vanlig referanse
6) Plans for 1995
Kun skisse, ingen datoer, ingen forpliktelser!
MAX 5 linjer

Antall linjer er med font TIMES 12 punkt.

Formatteringen skal vaere som foelger:

i) ASCII tekst UTEN linjeskift i vanlig tekst, kun mellom avsnitt,
slik at jeg kan benytte automatisk linjeskift under formatteringen

ii) Norske tegn byttes ut med /ae, /oe, /aa, /AE, /OE, /AA

iii) Punkter/'bullets' markeres med % (jeg vil formattere alle til
et samlet dokument)


Eksempel skrevet av meg:

Ph.D student Sverre St/oeren

I started my Ph.D. study in 1991, and will finish my doctoral degree in 1996. In 1995 I will be on leave from my studies working as coordinator of the new Nordic program on Process Integration. My doctoral work is financed by the PROMIA project, and my advisor is Prof. Terje Hertzberg.

Research area
This year I have finished my work on Local Thermodynamic Models, and I presented my work at the ESCAPE-4 meeting. I tried out a simplified model with low updating overhead, and good stability properties. The model was tried on phase equilibrium problems using both a DAE and ODE approach. Good results were obtained with a ODE solver, but the results were disappointing when using a DAE solver since the noice generated on each local model update strongly affected the steplength determination.
I then started working within dynamic optimization, with the intention to use som of the principles of local models there. I have read a lot in the litterature, and have decided to work within the area of dynamic SQP methods. These methods iteratively solve the optimality conditions of a linear-quadratic adaption to the real problem. For dynamical systems, the optimality conditions are given by the Pontryagin Minimum Principle.
My second area within dynamic optimization is within model reduction, when the dynamical process models are of semi-explicit index 1, they can be extensively mainpulated after linearization.

%Finished the work on use of local thermodynamic models on parallell computers, the work was presented at PSE-94 in Korea, Juni 1994. I was co-author.
%Presented my work on local thermodynamic models on the ESCAPE-4 conference in Dublin,April 1994.
%Visited Prof. Lorentz Biegler at Carnegie Mellon University, august-september 1994.
%Arranged a colloquium within dynamical optimization at the department, about 6-8 doctoral students attended.
%Arranged a EEU course within dynamic optimization together with my supervisor Terje Hertzberg and my office mate Haavard I. Moe. I was administratively responsible.
%Co-advisor on the diploma work done by Norbert Holle
%Co-advisor on the diploma work done by Steinar Gangs/oe

%St/oeren, S. T. Hertzberg (1994), `Local Thermodynamic Models applied in dynamic process simulation, a simplified approach', Proc. ESCAPE-4, Dublin, Ireland.
%Moe H.I., H.N. Hansen, S. St/oeren, K.M. Lien and T. Hertzberg (1994), `Modular dynamic process simulation on a message passing MIMD computer', Proc. PSE-94, Kyongju,Korea.

Plans for 1995
Next year I will be busy as coordinator of the on Process Integration, I expect to arrange at least to semainars/short courses within the area. I am also responsible for a investigation of the present industrial and academic knowledge and experience within process integration in the nordic countries. I will present a paper on dynamic optimization at the ESCAPE-5 conference in Bled, Slovenia, and my research next year will be focused on finishing my ongoing projects in that area.