1997 Seminars and meetings

PROST Wednesday seminars. Spring 1997

Vi satser på å ha seminarene omtrent annenhver uke i vår. Seminaransvarlige: Frode Martinsen (email: frodem@itk.ntnu.no, tel. 735-94368), Atle Christiansen og Sigurd Skogestad

22 Jan 1997 Valeri Kiva, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow: Batch Distillation at Finite Reflux Ratio: Approach to Prediction .
05 Feb 1997 Ernesto Martinez, Nottingham University: Batch Process Automation using a Re-inforcement Learning/Fuzzy Logic Based Approach.
19 Feb 1997 Truls Gundersen, NTNU Waste and waste water minimization - In the spirit of Process Systems Engineering
05 Mar 1997 Bjarne A. Foss, Inst. for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU: Mixed discrete event and continuous dynamic systems - control issues.
12 Mar 1997 David di Ruscio, Høgskolen i telemark: Subspace Identification and Applications: a Linear State Space Model Approach .
19 Mar 1997 Rafiquel Gani, DTU, Denmark : Reactive separation: Modelling, design and analysis
09 April 1997 Costas Kiparissides , Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece: On-line monitoring, optimization and control of polymer processes
30 April 1997 Øyvind Sørlie og Asgeir Valderhaug, Elkem "Hva er Elkems behov innenfor teknisk kybernetikk?" . Se også oppsummering.
05 May 1997 Anders Rantzer, Lund, Sweden (NOTE: MONDAY), "Performance Limitations in Multivariable Control"
14 May 1997 Felix Petlyuk, Russia (will be visiting 12 May-16 May): "Petlyuk talks about Petlyuk distillation"

Some other important dates

18 Mar. 1997 Disputas (Ph.D. defence) Sverre Støren. Supervisor: Terje Hertzberg. Opponents: Rafique Gani, David Cameron og Bjarne Foss.
onsdag 21. mai , (NY DATO) Gjennomkjøring av våre foredrag for PSE-ESCAPE-konferansen i EL5 i Royal Electric Garden.

PROST Wednesday seminars. Autumn 1997

Please contact Katrine Hilmen (ekh@chembio.ntnu.no) or Sigurd Skogestad (skoge@chembio.ntnu.no) if you have suggestions.

The seminars usually start at 13.30 (45 min talk + 15 min discussion) and with a bite to eat at 13.00.

08 Aug 1997 (Friday at 10.15) - Arthur Jutan, University of Western Ontario, Canada: Optimization and control using response surface methods
03 Sep 1997 Terje Hertzberg , Fra sitt friår ved Berkeley: Erfaringer fra modelleringsprosjekt og nytt om Kronprinsen...
17 Sep 1997 Harald Yndestad, Høgskolen i Ålesund: "Utvikling av en generell systemteori".
29-30 Sep. 1997 (Mandag og tirsdag). Merk: Workshop on Multiple model approaches to modelling and control, Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU (kontakt: Tor A Johansen og Bjarne Foss).
01 Oct 1997 M. Nazmul Karim, Colorado State University, Application of Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis in Biotechnology Based Industries
07 Oct 1997 (Tirsdag) PROST industrial workshop: Modellbasert regulering i prosessindustrien (contact: Bjarne Foss).
16-17 Oct. 1997 Merk: Servomøtet ved Statoil Forskningssenter, Trondheim.
22 Oct 1997 Jens Balchen, NTNU: END: Elementary nonlinear decoupling
29 Oct 1997 Stig Strand, Statoil F&U: "Modellbasert prediktiv regulering slår igjennom i Statoil" (med demonstrasjon av Statoil's eget verktøy SEPTIC)
12 Nov 1997 (NB. Foredrag kl. 14.30) Harald Martens, Prediktiv validering og verifisering av multivariable kalibrerings-modeller i kjemometri: Bruk av test-sett eller kryss-validering ?
10 Dec 1997 Petter Lundstrøm, SINTEF kjemi: "Sanntidssimulatorer for prosess-industrien, erfaringer fra Norcontrol/Kongsberg Simrad" (med demonstrasjon av software)

1997 International Meetings

12-14 Jan. 1997 7th Nordic Process Control Workshop , Wadahl near Lillehammer
22-23 May 1997 IFAC workshop on AI/KBS systems, Budapest (CANCELLED)
26-29 May 1997 PSE-ESCAPE-97 conference in Trondheim
04-06 June 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque
09-11 June 1997 IFAC workshop Adchem'97, Banff, Canada
01-04 July 1997 European Control Conference, Brussel
14-18 July 1997 1997 Advanced Summer Institute (ASI'97). Life cycle approaches to production systems: Management, control supervision. Budapest. Abstract: 20 Feb. 1997. (Program chairman: Hans Wortmann, hwo@tm.tue.nl)
10-20 Aug. 1997 NATO ASI on Nonlinear Model Based Control , Antalya, Turkey. (14 Mar 97: Deadline for abstracts and for application for participation)
08-10 Sep. 1997 Distillation'97, Maastricht
16-17 Oct. 1997 Servomøtet 97, Statoil, Trondheim (frist for innsendelse av abstracts er 22.aug.97, nfa@itk.ntnu.no)
20-22 Oct. 1997 Control'97 , Sydney, Australia (papers for review: 21 March 1997)
16-21 Nov. 1997 AIChE Annual meeting, Los Angeles. Abstracts: 01 March 1997
10-12 Dec. 1997 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego. Contributed papers: 04 March 1997