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Nonlinear Control in Physics and Mechanics

Session code:Th-E06-TO
Time:15:30:00 - 17:30:00
Room:Small Theatre
Organizers:Fradkov Alexander, Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Federation
Chairs:Fradkov Alexander, Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Federation
Cochairs:Gordillo Francisco, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Paper CodeTitleAuthorsTopic
Th-E06-TO/1Control of Quantum and Classical Molecular DynamicsAnanyevskiy Mikhail, Efimov Alexander, Fradkov Alexander2.3
Th-E06-TO/2Dynamics and Nonlinear Control of Oscillations in a Complex Crystalline LatticeAero Eron, Andrievsky Boris, Fradkov Alexander, Vakulenko Sergey2.3
Th-E06-TO/3Generalized state space averaging for port controlled hamiltonian systemsBatlle Carles, Fossas Enric, Griñó Robert, Martínez Sonia2.3
Th-E06-TO/4Speed-gradient algorithms for underactuated nonlinear systemsAracil Javier, Fradkov Alexander, Gordillo Francisco2.3
Th-E06-TO/5Speed-Gradient Control of Passing through Resonance in One- and Two-Dimensional MotionTomchin Dmitry, Tomchina Olga, Fradkov Alexander2.3
Th-E06-TO/6Control of oscillations of magneto-sensitive elastic sphereBurkov Ilya, Brigadnov Igor2.3