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Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Time-delays

Authors:Wang Zidong, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Liu Yurong, Yangzhou University, China
Topic:1.4 Stochastic Systems
Session:Control, Estimation and Analysis of Stochastic Systems
Keywords: Nonlinear systems; Stochastic systems; Time-delay; Lyapunov stability; Algebraic matrix inequalities


In this paper, the stabilization problem is considered for a class of nonlinear continuous stochastic systems with state delays. The purpose of this problem is to design a state feedback controller such that the closed-loop system is exponentially stable (or exponentially ultimately bounded) in the mean square, for all admissible nonlinearities and time-delays. We first investigate the sufficient conditions for the nonlinear stochastic time-delay systems to be stable, and then derive the explicit expression of the desired controller gains. A numerical simulation example is provided to show the usefulness of the proposed design method.