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Scheduling of Input Shaping and Transient Vibration Absorbers for High-Rise Elevators

Authors:Fortgang Joel, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Patrangenaru Vlad, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Singhose William, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Vibration Control
Keywords: Elevators, Input Shaping, Vibration Absorbers


This paper presents techniques for the reduction of vibration inhigh-rise elevator passenger cabs. Reduction in cab vibrationimproves ride comfort and enables the use of more aggressivemotion profiles thereby shortening travel times. Vibrationreduction is accomplished by input shaping the elevator commandsin a scheduling algorithm based on position. To deal withtransient disturbances, a thoughtfully designed vibration absorberis included. This absorber complements the action of input-shapedcontrol scheme.