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Unfalsified Control using an Ellipsoidal Unfalsified Region applied to a Motion System

Authors:van Helvoort Jeroen, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
de Jager Bram, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Steinbuch Maarten, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Applications of Adaptive and Learning Control
Keywords: Unfalsified control, Model-free, Adaptive control, Model reference, Self-adaptive control, Self-tuning control


In this paper, unfalsified control theory (a data-driven model-free control theory) is applied to determine which control parameter sets in a specified control structure are able to meet a given performance specification, using merely measured input/output data. The need for a finite, often large, amount of parameter sets (gridding) is overcome by applying an ellipsoidal description of the region containing all unfalsified control parameter sets (unfalsified region). It is shown that by using an appropriate performance specification, the optimal update of the ellipsoidal unfalsified region, initiated by new data, can be computed analytically.With the two properties mentioned, improved convergence and reduction of computational effort are combined to derive the unfalsified control parameter set. Real-time implementation is demonstrated by experimental results obtained on a motion system