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The University of Newcastle Identification Toolbox (UNIT)

Authors:Ninness Brett, University of Newcastle, Australia
Wills Adrian, University of Newcastle, Australia
Gibson Stuart, Lehman Brothers, United Kingdom
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Identification of Multivariable Systems
Keywords: System Identification, Parameter Estimation, Software


This paper describes a MATLAB-based software package for estimation ofdynamic systems. A wide range of standard estimation approaches aresupported. These include the use of non-parametric, subspace-based and prediction-erroralgorithms coupled (in the latter case) witheither MIMO state space or MISO polynomial model structures. A key feature of the software is theimplementation of several new techniques that have been investigatedby the authors. These include the estimation of non-linear models,the use of non-standard model parametrizations, and the employment of ExpectationMaximisation (EM) methods.