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Face identification using multiple combination strategy for human robot interaction

Authors:Kim Do-Hyung, ETRI, Korea, Republic of
Lee Jae-Yeon, ETRI, Korea, Republic of
Cha Eui-Young, Pusan National University, Korea, Republic of
Cho Young-Jo, ETRI, Korea, Republic of
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Image Processing and Biomedical Applications
Keywords: Pattern identification, Visual pattern recognition, Robot vision, Human-machine interface, Interaction mechanisms


The ability to recognize people is positively necessary for interaction between robots and people. In this paper, we introduce interesting security system that is able to recognize, track and remember user’s face. System uses moving camera that has pan/tilt and zoom function like robot’s eyes. In order to construct system, we propose the face identification method based on combining multiple features and applying multiple matching algorithms. Also, we address the benefits of multiple instances and show that identification ability can be improved by using proper combination strategy.