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Closed-Loop Stabilization of a Class of Lur'e System: Application to Chaos Control

Authors:Campos-Delgado Daniel, UASLP, Mexico
Femat Ricardo, IPICYT, Mexico
Martinez-Lopez Francisco, UASLP, Mexico
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Chaos Control and Synchronization
Keywords: Stabilization, Linear Control, Chaos Control, Lur'e Problem.


In this paper the problem of closed-loop stabilization of a class ofLur'e system is addressed. Under certain conditions of the staticnon-linearity, the control problem is proved that can be convertedto a simultaneous stabilization condition for a linear controller.The design strategy is considered for chaos control of a type ofC^3-equivalents chaotic systems. Experimental resultscorroborate the analysis presented.