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A Duality Relationship for Regular Conditional Relative Entropy

Authors:Petersen Ian, University of NSW at ADFA, Australia
Xie Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ugrinovskii Valery, University of NSW at ADFA, Australia
Topic:1.4 Stochastic Systems
Session:Modeling and Estimation of Stochastic Systems
Keywords: Duality relationship, Radon-Nikodymderivative, regular conditional probability measure, regular conditional relative entropy


In this paper, we present a duality relationship between regularconditional free energy and regular conditional relative entropygiven a sub-sigma-algebra. This is achieved by using a relation between the Radon-Nikodymderivative of probability measures and that of regular conditionalprobability measures. Some properties of the regular conditionalrelative entropy under consideration are also given. The dualityrelation can be applied in a finite horizon robust stateestimation problem for finite-alphabet hidden Markov models.