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A Comparative Study of Soft-sensing Methods for Fed-batch Fermentation Processes

Authors:Zhang Hongwei, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom
Zouaoui Zoubir, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom
Lennox Barry, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Topic:8.4 Control of Biotechnological Processes
Session:State Estimation in Bio/Chemical Processes
Keywords: Soft Sensing; Kalman Filters; Statistical Process Control; Fermentation Processes; Batch Control


A comparative study of software sensors using Multiway Partial Least Squares and Extended Kalman Filters in an application to a fed-batch yeast fermentation process is presented. The MPLS theory is introduced firstly and then applied to a yeast fed-batch fermentation process to provide soft-sensing facilities. The soft-sensing capabilities of the MPLS approach are found to compare favourably with the results using EKF.