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Experimental results of a Cascade Observer for sensorless induction motor on low frequencies Benchmark

Authors:Ghanes Malek, IRCCyN, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
Deleon Jesus, Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Glumineau Alain, IRCCyN, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronic Control of Motors
Keywords: Induction motor, cascade observer, low frequencies sensorless benchmark, experimental results.


The purpose of this paper is to design a cascade observer toreconstruct the angular speed of induction motor as well as anestimator of fluxes and load torque. Due to the complexity ofinduction motor observation at low frequencies, the observer andthe estimator are tested and validated on reference trajectoriesof a new sensorless induction motor benchmark particularly in thecase when the motor state is unobservable. This benchmark isapplied on an experimental set-up located at IRCCyN (Nantes,France).