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An integrated design approach to multilevel Fault Tolerant Control of distributed systems

Authors:Paoli Andrea, CASY-DEIS-University of Bologna, Italy
Bonivento Claudio, CASY-DEIS-University of Bologna, Italy
Capiluppi Marta, CASY-DEIS-University of Bologna, Italy
Marconi Lorenzo, CASY-DEIS-University of Bologna, Italy
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Advanced Solutions in Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control (IFATIS/MAGIC)
Keywords: Large-scale systems, Fault-tolerant systems, Fault diagnosis, Complex systems, Supervisory control


This work deals with the description of a design procedure for hierarchical Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) of large-scale systems. Following a functional perspective, a procedure for the modular design of the diagnostic and reconfiguration algorithms which run at different levels of the hierarchy is presented. Moreover a hierarchical decision logic algorithm is obtained by means of the theoretical machinery of the supervisor theory of discrete event systems. All the material presented here represents a brief summary of the ideas and results obtained in the context of the European Project IFATIS (proposal number IST-2001-32122).