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A Graphical Method for Computation of All stabilizing PI Controllers

Authors:Tan Nusret, Inonu University, Turkey
Kaya Ibrahim, Inonu University, Turkey
Atherton Derek P., Sussex University, United Kingdom
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:PID Stabilization and Control
Keywords: Stabilization, PI control, gain and phase margins, time delay, uncertain systems


In this paper, a new method for the calculation of all stabilizing PI controllers is given. The proposed method is based on plotting the stability boundary locus in the (kp,ki)-plane and then computing the stabilizing values of the parameters of a PI controller. The technique presented does not require sweeping over the parameters and also does not need linear programming to solve a set of inequalities. Thus it offers several important advantages over existing results obtained in this direction. Computation of stabilizing PI controllers which achieve user specified gain and phase margins is also studied. Furthermore, the proposed method is used to compute all the parameters of a PI controller which stabilize a control system with an interval plant family. Examples are given to show the benefits of the method presented.