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An experimental demonstration of NPID control with application to optical storage drives

Authors:Heertjes Marcel F., Philips Applied Technologies, Netherlands
Cremers Frank, Philips Applied Technologies, Netherlands
Steinbuch Maarten, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronics for Data Storage Devices II
Keywords: Absolute stability, industrial control, nonlinear control, optical storage devices, performance evaluation


The application of NPID, or nonlinear PID, control is demonstrated experimentally on an optical storage playback device (CD drive) for automotive applications. The nonlinear design aims at improved shock suppression under equal noise response. This is done by introducing variable controller gains. Namely under large levels of low-frequency vibration, the controller gains are increased as to improve low-frequency sensitivity. High-frequency sensitivity, however, remains unaltered as to keep a low-level noise response.