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Advanced Tension Control Based on State Feedback For Reversing Mills

Authors:Asano Kazuya, JFE R&D Corporation, Japan
Takahashi Hiroyuki, JFE Advantech Co., Ltd., Japan
Miyata Takeshi, JFE Steel Corporation, Japan
Kohiro Yoshitake, JFE Steel Corporation, Japan
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Rolling Mills I
Keywords: Automatic process control, Control schemes, Control system analysis, Statefeedback; Derivative action; Damping ratios; Motor control; Torque control; Industrialcontrol; Steel Industry; Metals.


This paper presents a new tension control scheme for reversing mills based ona state feedback approach. The proposed control scheme consists of a feedback of thederivative of the tension to the reel motor torque, which is equivalent to the state feedbackof the strip velocity. The state feedback virtually has the effect of enhancing the dampingratio of the tension dynamics and is effective to alleviate its oscillatory nature. With itssimple structure, the control scheme has been successfully incorporated into the existingcontrol system of actual reversing mills, increasing the rolling speed and therebyimproving the productivity.