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A new concept of invariance for saturated systems

Authors:Alamo Teodoro, University of Seville, Spain
Cepeda Alfonso, University of Seville, Spain
Limon Daniel, University of Seville, Spain
Camacho Eduardo Fernandez, University of Seville, Spain
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Constrained Nonlinear Systems
Keywords: Saturated system, set invariance, domain of attraction


In this paper, a new concept of invariance for saturated linearsystems is presented. This new notion of invariance, denotedSNS-invariance, has a number of geometrical properties that makesits use suitable for the estimation of the domain ofattraction of saturated systems. The notion of SNS-domain ofattraction, that serves as an estimation of the domain ofattraction of a saturated system, is introduced. It is shown that,in case of single input saturated systems, any contractive set iscontained in the SNS-domain of attraction. A simple algorithm thatconverges to the SNS-domain of attraction is presented. Someillustrative examples are given.