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Choice of Free Parameters in Expansions of Discrete-Time Volterra Models using Kautz Functions

Authors:Amaral Wagner, Unicamp, Brazil
da Rosa Alex, Unicamp, Brazil
Campello Ricardo J.G.B., Unicamp/Unisantos, Brazil
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Nonlinear System Identification - Volterra Methods
Keywords: Volterra Models, Kautz Functions, Nonlinear Systems, Optimization


The present paper involves the approximation of nonlinear systems using Wiener/Volterra models with Kautz orthonormal functions. It focuses on the problem of selecting the free complex pole which characterizes these functions. The problem is solved by minimizing an upper bound of the error arising from the truncated approximation of Volterra kernels using Kautz functions. An analytical solution for the optimal choice of one of the parameters related to the Kautz pole is thus obtained, with the results valid for any-order Wiener/Volterra models. An example illustrates the application of the mathematical results derived.