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Optimization-free constrained nonlinear predictive control - Mineral processing applications

Authors:Desbiens André, Université Laval, Canada
Bouchard Jocelyn, Université Laval, Canada
del Villar René, Université Laval, Canada
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Mineral Processing
Keywords: Nonlinear control, multivariable control, predictive control, constraints, optimization


A difficulty with constrained nonlinear control is the minimization of the cost function. With complex system representations such as fundamental models, the required optimization algorithm may be complex to implement, setting its parameters may be difficult and the calculation time may be long. To overcome these problems, an innovative optimization-free predictive control scheme is proposed. The minimization of the cost function is replaced by a simple and easy-to-compute simulation. Two mineral processing applications illustrate the very good performances of this new algorithm.