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Output Feedback Stabilization Control Design for the Disturbance Attenuation of a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems

Authors:Pan Ya-Jun, Dalhousie University, Canada
Marquez Horacio J., University of Alberta, Canada
Chen Tongwen, University of Alberta, Canada
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Output Feedback
Keywords: Output Feedback, Disturbance Attenuation, Discontinuous Control, Input-to-State Stability, High Gain Observer, Nonlinear Systems, Uncertainties


In this paper, an output feedback discontinuous controller is proposedfor a class of nonlinear systems to attenuate the disturbance influence on thesystem performance. Our main goal is to globally stabilize the nonlinear systemin the presence of unknown structural system uncertainties and external distur-bances. Our approach consists of constructing a high gain nonlinear observer toreconstruct the unavailable states, and then design discontinuous controller usinga backstepping like design procedure to ensure stability of the nonlinear system.The design parameters of the observer and the controller are determined in acomplementary manner to ensure stability. As a result the whole system can bestabilized while internal stability of the system states is also ensured. Finally, anexample is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.