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A control architecture for multiple submarines in coordinated search missions

Authors:Sousa João, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Johansson Karl Henrik, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Speranzon Alberto, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Silva Jorge, Instituto Superior Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Topic:7.2 Marine Systems
Session:Marine Systems I
Keywords: Hierarchical controllers, autonomous vehicles, hybrid systems, search methods, simulation languages, supervision.


A control architecture for executing multi-vehicle searchalgorithms is presented. The proposed hierarchical structureconsists of three control layers, which consist of maneuvercontrollers, vehicle supervisors, and team controllers. The systemmodel is described as a dynamic network of hybrid automata in theprogramming language Shift and allows us to argue aboutspecification, verification and dynamical properties in a formalsetting. The particular search problem that is studied is that offinding the minimum of a scalar field using a team of autonomousunderwater vehicles. As an illustration, a coordination schemebased on the Nelder-Mead simplex optimization algorithm ispresented and illustrated through simulations.