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State Estimation of Linear Systems with State Equality Constraints

Authors:Ko Sangho, University of California, San Diego, United States
Bitmead Robert R., University of California, San Diego, United States
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Optimal Control and Estimation in Linear Systems
Keywords: Estimation, Constraints, Kalman filters, Projection, Descriptor systems


This paper deals with the state estimation problem for linearsystems with state equality constraints. Using noisy measurementswhich are available from the observable system, we construct theoptimal estimate which also satisfies linear equality constraints.For this purpose, after reviewing modeling problems in linearstochastic systems with state equality constraints, we formulate aprojected system representation. By using the constrained Kalmanpredictor for the projected system and comparing its predictorRicccati Equation with those of the unconstrained and theprojected Kalman predictors, we reach the conclusion that thecurrent constrained estimator outperforms other filters forestimating the constrained system.