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An Adaptive Nonparametric Controller for a class of nonminimum phase non-linear system

Authors:Sbarbaro Daniel, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
Murray-Smith Roderick, Uiversity of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Feedback Linearization
Keywords: Adaptive systems, non-parametric models, Discrete non-linear system, Generalized MinimumVariance.


This paper addresses the problem of controlling a class of unknownnonlinear systems with unstable inverse, by using a generalizedminimum variance approach. We highlight the limitations of theclassic cost function used in this context and we propose a newone based on the Generalized Feedback Linearization concept. Theadaptive control algorithm uses a nonparametric model, which provides an estimate of the mean and variance of thesystem output. Simulation examples illustrate the maincharacteristics and limitation of the proposed approach.