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A nonlinear SDP algorithm for static output feedback problems in COMPlib

Authors:Kocvara Michal, UTIA AVCR, Czech Republic
Leibfritz Friedemann, University of Trier, Germany
Stingl Michael, University of Erlangen, Germany
Henrion Didier, LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Output Feedback
Keywords: static output feedback, bilinear matrix inequalities


We present an algorithm for the solution of static output feedback problems formulated as semidefinite programs with bilinear matrix inequality constraints and collected in the library COMPlib. Thealgorithm, based on the generalized augmented Lagrangian technique, is implemented in the publicly available general purpose software PENBMI. Numerical results demonstrate the behavior of the code.