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Modeling and predictive control of pellet reactors for water softening

Authors:van Schagen Kim, DHV water BV, Netherlands
Babuška Robert, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Rietveld Luuk, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Wuister Jasper, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Veersma Alex, Amsterdam Water Supply, Netherlands
Topic:8.4 Control of Biotechnological Processes
Session:Control issues in Biotechnological Systems
Keywords: drinking water, softening, modeling, model predictive control


A nonlinear chemical/physical dynamic model in the form of partial differential equations was adopted and further developed to serve as a basis for model predictive control of a pellet reactor for drinking water softening. The model was calibrated using full-scale process measurements. A linear predictive controller based on a lineralization of the model has been designed to achieve the desired hardness of the effluent water through cost-effective operation of the reactor. This controller has been extensively validated in nonlinear simulations. The results are promising and the strategy found by the predictive controller leads to a smoother operation compared to the currently used heuristic controller.