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An explicit solution to the discrete-time singular LQ regulation problem for non-square plant

Authors:Kase Wataru, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Miyoshi Ryoji, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Mutoh Yasuhiko, Sophia University, Japan
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Control Applications of Optimization
Keywords: LQ regulation problem, singular weightings, explicit solution, discrete-time systems, interactor matrix.


Recently, a simple method to calculate an interactor which has all-pass property in discrete-time was presented for a plant having more inputs than the outputs (i.e., FAT plant). Then, a design of inverted interactorizing and model matching was reported. Using the results, it was reported an explicit solution to the discrete-time optimal LQ regulation problem with singular weightings for a FAT plant. In this paper, it will be extended to the plant having non-square transfer function matrix.