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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Selection & Use of Organic Solvents (T1-7)

389 - Solvent Reduction In An Industrial Solid-liquid ContactorPresentation
By PhD Rachel Poirot (Laboratory of Chemical Engineering INP-ENSIACET of France, France)
1741 - Development Of Systematic Procedures For The Evaluation Of Solvent Selection At An Early Stage In Pharmaceutical ProcessesPresentation
By Mr Samuel Perez (University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
3134 - Propane + CO2 mixtures as near critical solvents, properties and mixture designPresentation
By Prof Esteban A. Brignole (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
3827 - A methodology for the design and selection of green solvents for organic reactionsPresentation
By Dr Milica Folic (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
3886 - Biodiesel Production Using CosolventPresentation
By Mr Emre Çağlar (İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)

Only the first author, as submitted originally, is listed. The complete list of authors (as originally submitted) is shown on the detailed view of the abstract.

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