Welcome on the ECCE-6 CDROM.

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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

EPIC-1: Multifunctionality (MF-2)

678 - Managing Impurities in An Integrated Crystallization SystemPresentation
By Dr Christianto Wibowo (ClearWaterBay Technology, Inc., United States of America)
1264 - Hybrid Separation Process - Combination of Reactive Distillation with Membrane SeparationPresentation
By Ing Carsten Buchaly (University of Dortmund, Germany)
1361 - Performances Comparison Of Intensified Mixers And MicromixersPresentation
By Mr FALK Laurent (National Center for Scientific Research, France)
2085 - A Compact Integrated Mixer/Separator for Enantioselective Solvent ExtractionPresentation
By MSc Boelo Schuur (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Only the first author, as submitted originally, is listed. The complete list of authors (as originally submitted) is shown on the detailed view of the abstract.

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