Welcome on the ECCE-6 CDROM.

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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

EPIC-1: Intensified Hydrodynamics & Structured Environments (IHSE-2)

64 - Process Intensification, a tool for Innovative Products: achievements and prospects.Presentation
By Dr Jean Francois JENCK (ENKI INNOVATION, France)
525 - Compact Heat Exchangers and Chemical Reactors for Process IntensificationPresentation
By Dr Zhijun Jia (Chart Energy & Chemicals, Inc., United States of America)
702 - Process intensification of electro-organic synthesis by microstructurationPresentation
By Mr ANIS ATTOUR (Laboratoire des Sciences du GĂ©nie Chimique (LSGC-ENSIC), France)
3183 - Viscous Mixing Process Intensification: Innovations and TrendsPresentation
By Prof Philippe Tanguy (URPEI Ecole Polytechnique, Canada)
3295 - Break-up of nano-particle clusters in high-shear devicesPresentation
By Prof Jerzy Baldyga (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
3729 - Mobile Micro Reactor Technology For Industrial ProductionPresentation
By Mr Johan Ter Harmsel (Zeton, Netherlands)

Only the first author, as submitted originally, is listed. The complete list of authors (as originally submitted) is shown on the detailed view of the abstract.

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