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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4165 - The chemical engineer – a “glorified plumber” or the molecular engineer of the future?

The chemical engineer – a “glorified plumber” or the molecular engineer of the future?

Special Symposium - Education

The Future of European Chemical Engineering Education in a Globalized World

Mr Knut Harg
Hydro Oil and Energy
Hydrogen Technologies

Keywords: chemical engineers, industry, today, tomorrow, education

The presentation will analyse the role of the chemical engineer in the industries of today and tomorrow. The following topics are addressed:

•How do we size and shape the chemical engineering education? Should demand forces dictate, through industry or through students’ choices, or should national policies play a role?

•How can we supply relevant skills to serve both the needs of today’s industry and to stimulate the formation of new industries?

•What is chemical engineering? What are the fundamental characteristics, and how long-lasting are they? How do we balance between lasting fundamentals and applied subjects?

•Do we primarily teach the students “how to acquire new knowledge”, or do we expect them to acquire specific skills? Can a single subject change a young person’s perception of the world?

•How will the life sciences (biology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology) influence or merge with chemical engineering curricula? What about the challenges in energy, climate, and the environment?

•How will globalisation influence universities, students, and industry?

•What do we want a technologist to know, except his technical subjects? Should non-technology subjects be mandatory? How do we prepare students for real life challenges in finance, health and safety, legal matters, management, cross-cultural communication, business ethics, etc.?

•Has teaching changed since Wilhelm von Humboldt? Should it? The role of research in teaching.

•The role of industry: Motivators, university partners, providers of relevant cases and examples, associate professors, innovators

Presented Tuesday 18, 11:00 to 11:25, in session The Future of European Chemical Engineering Education in a Globalized World - II.

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